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What is Psychology? Meaning and Nature of Psychology

To answer the question, What is Psychology? we first know that The word “psychology” is derived from two Greek words, psyche (soul) and logos (study). So psychology means a “study about the soul”. But although the literal meaning of the word “logos” is “talk” it is commonly used to mean “science”. Hence psychology means the science of the soul. 

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including how the brain works, how we think and feel, how we develop and change over time, and how we interact with others. Psychologists use various research methods to understand and explain human behavior, emotions, and thoughts. Through their work, they aim to help individuals improve their mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.

But why do we prefer to call psychology a science and not a talk?

The reason is that a talk is usually messy, vague, and fragmentary. For example, your talk with a friend on a subject might have been quite clear and consistent, yet it could not possibly be as systematic and exhaustive as the science of that subject can be. 

  • Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that deals with the study of human behavior and mental processes. 
  • It explains the subconscious neurological basis of behavior. 
  • It is the study of the mind, thoughts, and actions of individuals. 
  • It does not necessarily refer to the brain or nervous system and can be purely framed in terms of phenomenological or information-processing theories of mind. 

An understanding of brain function is being included in psychological theory and practices, particularly in artificial intelligence neuropsychological and cognitive neuroscience psychology attempts to explain consciousness behavior and social interaction. 

  • Psychology has been examining the relationship between consciousness, the brain, and the nervous system. 
  • Theories of psychology apply to various activities and problems related to an individual’s daily life and treatment of mental illness. 
  • Study of Behavior: Psychology examines observable behaviors and actions, as well as their underlying psychological mechanisms and influences.
  • Practical Applications: Psychology applies scientific knowledge to address practical issues and challenges in various domains, including mental health, education, business, and social policy.
  • Evolution and Development: Psychology explores how behavior and mental processes evolve, from infancy through adulthood, and how they are shaped by biological, environmental, and cultural factors.
  • Interaction with Environment: Psychology examines the dynamic interplay between individuals and their environment, including social, cultural, and ecological influences on behavior and mental health.
  • Ethical Considerations: Psychology adheres to ethical principles and guidelines to ensure the well-being and rights of research participants, clients, and society as a whole.

What is the Definition of Psychology?

Psychology is the study of the thoughts and actions of individuals. 

Psychology is the youngest of all the sciences. 

It is still in making and is far from being established in the sense in which other sciences are. Hence the definition of psychology has been, and probably still is, a matter of fierce controversy among psychologists. They largely differ from one another as indeed all scientists do, in the early stages of their sciences disagreements and controversies are almost inevitable, and without them, perhaps scientific progress could not have been as great as it is. 

This is especially true of a young science like psychology, recently set free from psychology, and philosophy, and not always distinguishable from physiology. As no one definition is agreed upon by common consent, different definitions of psychology exist. It has been variously defined as the science of the soul, the science of mind, the science of consciousness, and the science of behavior. Let us examine these definitions individually and see if any of them can enable us to understand accurately what psychology is and what it deals with.

Psychology as a Science of Soul

According to the dictionary, psychology means “The science of soul” This is the oldest definition of psychology. The word “soul” is a very unsatisfactory term in psychology. It has changed its meaning. Aristotle used it for the living principal in all animate beings, but in the present day, it is a term used in religion, for that part of us that is immortal and which has a special relation with God. 

Thus the use of the term “soul” implies certain theories of religion concerning immortality and relationship to God, and such theories are just what we want to avoid in the science of psychology, even though we may believe them to be true on other grounds. Psychologists are not opposed to religion, but they certainly want to keep this young science free from religious terminology. “Soul” is a word of the bad door to men of science, smelling too much of religion. 

As it has a religious flavor, it is unwelcome to modern psychology. If psychology aspires to be a science surely it does-it must adopt a scientific and not a speculative procedure. Science observes facts, and the soul is not open to observation or experiment: The definition of psychology as the science of the soul is, therefore, rejected as unscientific. 

Psychology as the Science of Mind 

To many, the word “Mind” is quite as vague as the word “soul”. If “Mind” means something mysterious inside us, it would be just the same as should, and this definition too, would deserve to be discredited. Ask the man in the street what he means by “Mind” and he will tell you that is it something in his body, or rather head, which thinks, feels, and wills. So if we define psychology as the science of mind as a layman thinks, this definition has no improvement upon the previous definition of psychology as the science of soul. But like Hume and Titchener, we take the mind in the sense of mental process, this definition would certainly be better than the previous one. 

Psychology would then mean the science of mental processes. But what are the mental processes? 

The answer is that they are our processes of knowing, feeling, and willing. The processes which are commonly said to go on ‘in’ our mind. 

Let us illustrate them by example. If a wasp stings my finger, I know what has happened to me, feel pain, run after the wasp, and will kill it. I know, I feel and I will. The processes of the mind are facts. There are real happenings, and there is no mystery about them. This conception of the mind is sometimes called the empirical conception because mental processes can be experienced. It is also called the scientific conception because it can be observed and experimented upon. 

To sum up, the definition of psychology as the science of mental processes seems to be quite reasonable and therefore commands assent. 

This is subject to one objection, however, according to this definition, psychology is concerned with the study of mental processes. Now, even a superficial consideration shows that a person can study only his mental processes. 

To know the mental processes of other persons and animals, one has to see what they do, and “what they do” is called their “behavior”. I can say that the man is grieved only when I see him weeping. We can know the mental processes of others only through the observation of their behavior. 

“Thus psychology is concerned with the study of behavior as well as mental process.” The definition of psychology as the science of mental processes is a half-truth. 

Psychology as the Science of Consciousness 

Psychology has also been defined as the science of consciousness. What is consciousness? If you stop to reflect, you will be aware that you are sitting at a desk, that you are reading a book, and that you are either interested in it or bored by it. 

The present awareness is 

  • what is meant by consciousness?
  • Does consciousness cover the whole field of mind? 

The answer is, No. 

Besides consciousness, there are processes and psychology cannot ignore them because they are also processes of mind the truth rather is that conscious processes form a very small part of our mind. 

They are so to speak the upper surface of the deep sea, the greater part of which lies below. Infect, more lies at the back of the mind than at its front. This is also an incomplete definition because we can study our conscious processes; we cannot study the mental processes of others. 

So, we must take “behavior” into consideration. The definition of psychology as the science of consciousness is too narrow because it excludes the study of subconscious and unconscious mental processes and also that of behavior. 

Psychology as a Science of Behaviour 

Behavior is generally understood as anything that a living does. It means “response”, “reactions” or “adjustments of an organism to various kinds of stimuli. A stimulus is the outside cause of the mental process. It has already been said that to understand the minds of other persons and animals, we have to study their behavior. 

Hence psychology has been defined as the science of behaviour — a definition that looks harmless enough.

This is the most modern of all the definitions and is put forward by the school of psychology known as behaviorism, the leading exponent of which is Dr. Watson. This school of psychology, in its extreme form, admits only the study of behavior as its subject matter and ignores the study of consciousness and mental processes altogether. 

Dr. Watson writes: “state of consciousness, like the so-called phenomena of spiritualism, is not objectively verifiable and for that reason can never become data for science — “The behaviorist finds no evidence for mental existence or mental processes of any kind.” 

Again, “consciousness is neither a definable nor a usable concept. It is merely a word for the ‘soul’ of more ancient times.” “If it exists” he continues, “we can know nothing about it.” 

This point of view has been prevalent in America under the table and aggressive leadership of Dr. Watson, and has come to be fairly widely held by psychologists in other countries as well. But although our mind is revealed in our behavior, to study behavior at the cost of our mind is a mistake. The danger of behaviorism, particularly in its extreme form, has been its tendency to neglect consciousness and mental processes altogether. 

The school of behaviorism is an exaggerated reaction against the purely subjective standpoint of those who are known as mentalists subjective standpoint means, the study of what goes on in one’s mind. This school has resulted in an equally purely objective standpoint. Objective standpoint means the study of what is observable and external to the mind (i.e. behavior). Infect, there can be no objective or external behavior without the subjective or inner mental processes of which the former is expression. Hence this definition of psychology as the science of behaviour is rejected as one-sided.

Psychology and Other Sciences 

In the Universe, there are found nonliving things (stones, rocks, rivers, etc), living things without mind, plants, trees, and living things possessing life and mind (human beings & animals). Material things exist at the lowest level whereas living things having no mind exist at a level higher than the level of existence of material things and the living things possessing life and mind are at the highest level of existence. Corresponding to these three levels of existence, there are three categories of sciences to explain them: 

Psychology and Physical Sciences 

Psychology and physical sciences share certain similarities in their approaches to understanding and explaining phenomena, but they also differ in focus and subject matter:

  1. The object of Study:
    • Physical sciences focus primarily on the study of non-living matter, energy, and the natural world. They investigate the properties, composition, and interactions of physical entities such as atoms, molecules, and celestial bodies.
    • Psychology, on the other hand, is primarily concerned with the study of living organisms, particularly human beings. It examines behavior, cognition, emotions, and mental processes, as well as their underlying biological, psychological, and social determinants.
  2. Methods of Inquiry:
    • Physical sciences employ quantitative methods and mathematical models to study natural phenomena. They often rely on experimentation, observation, and measurement to collect empirical data and test hypotheses.
    • Psychology utilizes a variety of research methods, including experiments, surveys, observations, and case studies, to investigate human behavior and mental processes. While quantitative methods are common, qualitative approaches are also employed to explore subjective experiences and phenomena.
  3. Scope and Applications:
    • Physical sciences have a broad scope, encompassing disciplines such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology, and meteorology. They have diverse applications in fields such as engineering, technology, medicine, and environmental science.
    • Psychology encompasses various subfields, including cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, clinical psychology, and organizational psychology. It has applications in areas such as mental health, education, counseling, human resources, and marketing.
  4. Level of Analysis:
    • Physical sciences often focus on understanding phenomena at the macroscopic level, such as the behavior of celestial bodies, the properties of materials, or the dynamics of natural systems.
    • Psychology examines phenomena at multiple levels of analysis, ranging from individual behavior and cognitive processes to interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, and societal influences.
  5. Complexity and Predictability:
    • While physical sciences deal with complex systems and phenomena, they often involve deterministic laws and principles that allow for precise predictions and explanations.
    • Psychology, dealing with living organisms and human behavior, faces greater complexity and variability. Human behavior is influenced by a multitude of factors, including biological, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental variables, making prediction and explanation more challenging.

Psychology and Biological Science 

These sciences deal with life and living things. They explain biological phenomena. The study of various forms of life-manifestation. They attempt to discover the conditions and laws of the growth and development of plants, animals, and human beings. 

Psychology and biological science share a fundamental connection as they both focus on understanding aspects of life, albeit from different perspectives. Here’s how they relate:

  1. Study of Life: Both psychology and biological science are concerned with the study of life, albeit from different angles. While psychology delves into the mental processes, behaviors, and experiences of living organisms, biological science examines the underlying biological mechanisms, structures, and functions that govern life.
  2. Understanding Behavior: Psychology and biological science intersect in their exploration of behavior. Psychology investigates the psychological factors and processes that influence behavior, such as cognition, emotion, and motivation. Biological science, on the other hand, explores the physiological, genetic, and neurological bases of behavior, shedding light on how biological processes shape and regulate behavior.
  3. Complementary Perspectives: Psychology and biological science offer complementary perspectives on life and living organisms. Psychology provides insights into the subjective experiences and complexities of human behavior, while biological science offers a deeper understanding of the underlying biological processes and mechanisms that underpin behavior.
  4. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaboration between psychology and biological science is common in research and practice. Researchers often integrate principles and findings from both disciplines to explore complex phenomena such as the neurobiology of behavior, psychophysiology, and behavioral genetics. This interdisciplinary approach enriches our understanding of the interplay between biological and psychological factors in shaping human behavior and mental health.
  5. Applied Implications: Both psychology and biological science have practical applications in various fields, including medicine, healthcare, education, and public policy. Insights from biological science inform medical interventions, treatments, and preventive measures for physical and mental health conditions. Psychology contributes to understanding human behavior, cognition, and emotions, informing interventions for psychological disorders, therapy approaches, and educational strategies.

While psychology and biological science approach the study of life from different perspectives, they are interconnected disciplines that contribute to our understanding of the complexities of living organisms and the factors that influence behavior, health, and well-being. Collaboration between these disciplines enhances our ability to address real-world issues and challenges related to human biology, behavior, and mental health.

Psychology and Mental Science 

There are various physical sciences and biological sciences. Similarly, several sciences deal with the mind. But there is one fundamental science that lies at the basis of mind sciences which studies the essential nature of the mind and how the mind grows and functions in human beings and animals, in individuals & societies, and in normal and abnormal persons. This fundamental science is known as psychology. 

Psychology serves as the cornerstone of mental science, providing a foundational understanding of the mind and its functions across diverse contexts. Here’s how psychology relates to mental science:

  1. Study of the Mind: Psychology delves into the study of the mind, encompassing various mental processes such as cognition, emotion, perception, memory, and motivation. It explores how these processes operate, interact, and influence behavior, thought patterns, and subjective experiences.
  2. Understanding Human Behavior: Psychology seeks to understand and explain human behavior in all its complexity, from individual actions and interactions to societal dynamics and cultural influences. By examining the underlying psychological factors and mechanisms that drive behavior, psychology sheds light on the intricacies of human nature and social phenomena.
  3. Exploration of Mental Health: Psychology plays a vital role in understanding mental health and well-being. It examines factors that contribute to psychological disorders, such as genetics, environment, trauma, and socio-cultural influences. Psychology also encompasses the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health conditions through therapeutic interventions, counseling approaches, and psychoeducation.
  4. Development of Psychological Theories: Psychology contributes to the development of theories and models that explain the nature and functioning of the mind. These theories provide frameworks for understanding human behavior, cognition, personality, and psychopathology, guiding research and practice in various domains of mental science.
  5. Integration of Interdisciplinary Perspectives: Psychology integrates insights from various disciplines, including neuroscience, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy, to explore the complexities of the mind and behavior. By drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives, psychology enriches our understanding of mental processes, psychological phenomena, and the human experience.
  6. Application in Mental Health Care: Psychology has practical applications in mental health care, offering assessment, diagnosis, and treatment services for individuals experiencing psychological distress or disorders. Psychologists utilize evidence-based interventions, therapeutic techniques, and counseling approaches to promote mental well-being and facilitate recovery.

Psychology is the youngest science. It had its formal beginning in Leipzig, Germany. Wilhelm Wudt founded the psychological laboratory in 1879. Psychology is concerned with the study of behavior as well as a mental process. It has been defined in many ways i.e. science of the soul, the science of mind, the science of consciousness, and the science of behavior. It is composed of two Greek words Psyche and Logos, which means study of soul. 

It is becoming more and more complex with the complexity of society. It does not study human beings only it extends to the study of animals, birds, and all creatures possessing life. It has many branches, it is used in education, commerce, industry, health, and countless other fields. As psychology is involved in several different fields, psychologists do not agree upon one single definition of psychology. 

Define Psychology Briefly

Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. It explains and includes a broad range of topics and disciplines, including cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, and clinical psychology, among others. At its core, psychology seeks to understand and explain how individuals think, feel, and behave in various contexts, as well as the underlying psychological processes and mechanisms that influence human behavior.

One of the fundamental goals of psychology is to uncover the underlying principles and mechanisms that govern human behavior. Through empirical research and observation, psychologists seek to identify patterns, trends, and correlations in human behavior, as well as the factors that influence individual differences and variability. By examining the interactions between biological, cognitive, emotional, social, and environmental factors, psychologists aim to develop theories and models that explain human behavior and cognition.

Psychology seeks to apply scientific principles and methods to address practical issues and challenges in everyday life. Applied psychology encompasses various subfields, including clinical psychology, counseling psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and educational psychology, among others. These subfields focus on using psychological principles and techniques to help individuals overcome psychological problems, improve mental health and well-being, enhance performance and productivity, and promote positive social change.

Psychology is a multifaceted discipline that encompasses the scientific study of the human mind and behavior. It seeks to understand and explain the underlying principles and mechanisms that govern human behavior, as well as the practical applications of psychological knowledge to address real-world issues and challenges. As a dynamic and evolving field, psychology continues to make significant contributions to our understanding of human nature and behavior, while also providing valuable insights and solutions to improve individual and societal well-being.

Briefly Write Four Kinds of Psychologies

As an educationist and educational psychologist, I am deeply invested in understanding the intricate relationship between psychology and teaching practices to enhance student learning and promote effective pedagogy. In my role as a writer of books and articles on psychology and teaching, I aim to bridge the gap between psychological theory and practical applications in education, providing valuable insights and strategies for both students and teachers.

In discussing the various kinds of psychologies relevant to education, it is essential to recognize the diversity and interdisciplinary nature of psychology as a field. Here, I will briefly outline four key branches of psychology that have significant implications for teaching and learning:

Developmental Psychology:

Developmental psychology focuses on the study of human development across the lifespan, from infancy to old age. This branch of psychology examines the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur as individuals grow and mature. In an educational context, developmental psychology informs teaching practices by providing insights into the cognitive abilities, learning styles, and socioemotional needs of students at different stages of development. By understanding the typical milestones and challenges associated with each developmental stage, educators can tailor their instructional strategies and classroom environments to support students’ growth and facilitate optimal learning experiences.

Cognitive Psychology:

Cognitive psychology explores the mental processes involved in learning, memory, perception, problem-solving, and decision-making. This branch of psychology seeks to understand how individuals acquire, process, and retain information, as well as the factors that influence learning and cognitive development. In education, cognitive psychology informs instructional design by identifying effective learning strategies, such as chunking, elaboration, and retrieval practice, that enhance students’ comprehension and retention of course material. By applying principles of cognitive psychology in teaching, educators can design engaging and effective learning experiences that promote deep understanding and critical thinking skills.

Social Psychology:

Social psychology examines how individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence of others and the social context in which they occur. This branch of psychology explores topics such as social influence, conformity, interpersonal relationships, and group dynamics. In education, social psychology sheds light on the dynamics of the classroom environment, including peer interactions, social norms, and teacher-student relationships. By understanding the social factors that impact learning and motivation, educators can create supportive and inclusive classroom climates that foster positive social interactions, collaboration, and academic achievement.

Educational Psychology:

Educational psychology is a specialized branch of psychology that focuses specifically on the study of teaching and learning processes. This field integrates principles and findings from various areas of psychology to inform educational practices and policies. Educational psychologists research topics such as student motivation, learning styles, classroom management, and assessment methods, to improve educational outcomes for students of all ages. By applying theories and research findings from educational psychology, educators can make informed decisions about curriculum design, instructional strategies, and classroom interventions to meet the diverse needs of learners and promote academic success.

The field of psychology encompasses a wide range of subfields and perspectives that are relevant to education. By drawing on insights from developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, and educational psychology, educators can gain a deeper understanding of the psychological processes that underlie teaching and learning. Armed with this knowledge, educators can develop effective instructional strategies, create supportive learning environments, and promote student engagement and achievement in the classroom.

Do You Agree That Psychology is a Science of the Soul? 

The characterization of psychology as the “science of the soul” is a philosophical interpretation rather than a universally accepted definition within the field. While historically psychology has been associated with the study of the mind and soul, contemporary psychology tends to focus more on observable behaviors, cognitive processes, and neural mechanisms rather than metaphysical concepts like the soul.

Psychology as a scientific discipline primarily seeks to understand and explain human behavior and mental processes through empirical research and systematic observation. It employs rigorous scientific methods to study topics such as perception, cognition, emotion, personality, development, and social behavior. This scientific approach emphasizes objectivity, empirical evidence, and testable hypotheses, distinguishing psychology from purely philosophical inquiries into the nature of the soul.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that psychology does intersect with philosophical questions about consciousness, identity, and the nature of the self. Some branches of psychology, such as existential psychology or transpersonal psychology, explore topics that may be considered more philosophical or spiritual. These approaches often delve into questions about the meaning of life, human existence, and the search for transcendence beyond material or empirical realities.

While psychology as a scientific discipline focuses on understanding human behavior and mental processes through empirical research, it does not typically frame its inquiries in terms of the soul. However, psychology’s exploration of complex human experiences and existential questions may intersect with philosophical inquiries into the nature of the soul, providing a multidisciplinary perspective on the human condition.

Is Psychology a Science, How?

Yes, psychology is considered a science. It is a scientific discipline that utilizes systematic methods of inquiry to study human behavior and mental processes. Several key characteristics define psychology as a science:

Empirical Evidence: Psychology relies on empirical evidence gathered through systematic observation, experimentation, and measurement. Psychologists use a variety of research methods, including experiments, surveys, observations, and case studies, to collect data about human behavior and cognition.

Objectivity: Scientific inquiry in psychology is guided by principles of objectivity and neutrality. Researchers strive to approach their investigations without bias or preconceived notions, seeking to understand phenomena based on evidence rather than personal beliefs or opinions.

Testable Hypotheses: Scientific research in psychology is driven by the formulation and testing of hypotheses. Hypotheses are specific, falsifiable predictions about the relationship between variables, which can be empirically tested through systematic observation and experimentation.

Replicability: Scientific findings in psychology are expected to be replicable, meaning that other researchers should be able to conduct similar studies and obtain similar results. Replication helps to verify the validity and reliability of research findings, contributing to the cumulative growth of scientific knowledge.

Theoretical Frameworks: Psychology is guided by theoretical frameworks and models that organize and explain observed phenomena. These theories are developed based on empirical evidence and provide a framework for understanding the underlying mechanisms and processes that govern human behavior and cognition.

Peer Review: Scientific research in psychology undergoes peer review, where experts in the field critically evaluate the quality, rigor, and validity of research studies before they are published in academic journals. Peer review helps to ensure the credibility and integrity of scientific research.

Application of Findings: Psychology applies scientific knowledge to address practical issues and challenges in various domains, including mental health, education, business, and social policy. Applied psychology uses evidence-based interventions and practices to improve outcomes and promote well-being in individuals and communities.

Psychology meets the criteria of science by employing systematic methods of inquiry, generating empirical evidence, testing hypotheses, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the understanding of human behavior and cognition.

Which is the Best Definition Of Psychology?

The best definition of psychology is subjective and may vary depending on the context and perspective of the individual. However, a commonly accepted definition of psychology is:

“Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, encompassing a wide range of topics including cognitive processes, emotional experiences, social interactions, developmental patterns, and mental health issues. It seeks to understand and explain how individuals think, feel, and behave in various contexts, as well as the underlying psychological processes and mechanisms that influence human behavior.”

This definition highlights the scientific nature of psychology, its focus on the study of both mental processes and observable behavior and its broad scope encompassing various subfields and topics within the discipline.


  1. Psychology – Wikipedia
  2. Psychology | Definition, History, Fields, Methods, & Facts – Britannica
  3. Psychology Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster
  4. What is Psychology? – Ohio State University Department of Psychology
  5. What is psychology and what does it involve? – Medical News Today
  6. What Is Psychology? – Simply Psychology

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